Saturday, March 22, 2014

Travelogue: Vietnam Day 1 [Arrival at Ho Chi Minh City]


Finally, I had a chance to update My Travelogue to Vietnam...
My trip to Vietnam was good..hehee..I was also shocked to hear that after a few weeks I went to Ho Chi Mihn City there was a big issue in Malaysia which is the Missing Plane of MH370..Let's keep pray for MH370..Thank goodness we were safe..AMIN :)

My day started with we arrive at Ho Chi Minh City..since we take a package of Muslim Travel to Ho Chi Mihn City..I will story less and just describe a few thing..the rest~~ Let's the picture 'talk' !! HEHEEE..

The first day at Vietnam start with we arrival at Tan Son Nhat Airport..
The plane take about 1 hours and 45 minutes from Malaysia to Vietnam..


Weirdoo Brother

we meet our tour guide, Mrs Lin..a short information were given

After that, we stop at Mosque to perform our prayer..
Rather than that we also able to have a short sightseeing tour of Ho Chi Minh City
on this sightseeing we able to see The Lamson Mosque, The Hundred Years Red Cathedral (Notre Dame Cathedral) , The Old Post Office and The People's Committee Hall

Than, we go straight to our hotel..we stayed at Kelly Hotel in the Ho Chi Minh city..unfortunately I just notice that I don't even take a picture of the hotel..hohohoo..So teruk!! Maybe I was so tired..aigooo..

so, here some picture I google about the hotel..hehee..

After unpacked our bags at the Hotel around 8pm we go out for dinner.

Dinner are served at Red House Halal restaurant in Ho chi minh

On this tour, we already paid for the food also..
I just notice that food at Vietnam quite expansive compared to food at Malaysia..
No wonder Vietnamese very small and slim-slim..hahhaaa..

At the night, after we had dinner We go to Night Market..
You going to be blinded with the night market because they sell a lot of name it..for female and male as well..but the thing I don't like it they always kinda "forced" us to buy their please beware! 

Well, our first day basically simple due to lack of time since we arrive at evening..not so many activity we can do rather than shopping at the night market...hohohoo..I will story more soon on the next day adventure..I will try my best to update everyday since there is too many activities and picturessss sometimes it make me feel a little bit of dizzy when it come to writing..kekekee...Just wait for it :)

my journey will be continue......

Thank you for reading this ♥♥♥


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